Quote Summary

Screen: Quote Summary

In the case of a quote the first important information is the “Customer Name” field. Press the blue disclosure to select the customer that the quote is for. There is a default customer created for you called “Cash Sale”. This is used when you wish to enter a quote without specifying the customer. If you wish to create the quote for a specific customer then, if you have not done so previously, press the “+” button at the top right of the screen to create a new customer.

Most information on the quote screen is populated for you. However you may need to adjust the “Quote Date” to the date of the quotation.

The due date is calculated based on the quote date and the payment terms defined for the customer on the customer details screen.

The "Quote Summary" screen is used to enter details about the quote like the quote date, due date, billing address, etc. The items that are being quoted are entered on the "Quote Line Items" screen.

The "Quote Type" field determines whether the quote has quantities and units of measure or now.

  • An "Itemised" quote shows both quantities and units of measure by default.
  • A "Service" quote does not show either the quantity or the units of measure.

You are also required to enter the quote line items for the quotation. Every quote must have at least one line item. The line items are where you enter the details of the quote. Press the “Add new quote line item” line to create a new line item on the quote.

You will be required to enter a quote description that summarises the purpose of the quotation. If you do not do this then the description from the first line item will be used as the quote description.

If the customer accepts the quotation and you wish to convert it into a sale then simply turn the "Is Quote" switch to OFF and the quote will immediately become a sale.